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STATUS last won the day on December 18 2010

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  • Birthday 29/01/1977

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    Audi RS6, Nascar VK, 60 Belair
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  1. They definately are coming back around, so many GTRs coming through again with them.
  2. people like that never get it, never will.
  3. Was looking for the radio pinout and climate control pinouts to do some repairs. but i think im screwed haha. ive found a factory shop manual for it but obv it is japanese but i may be able to google translate my way through it when it arrives.
  4. oooft these old for sale posts are full of killer jdm gtrs.
  5. Hi there!!! long time no speak!! still got the Y34? ididnt know you had one till i started trawling through y34 SAU threads!! hope your well!! cheers Trent

    1. godhand


      Hey Trent, yes it has been a while!! How are you?

      Yup still have the Gloria, not on the road at the moment.. waiting for me to find a steering rack haha


  6. Did you ever end up fixing it? mine doesnt even power up the in dash screen.
  7. Has anyone got any of this information anymore?
  8. WOW wish i still had these SR to RB bellhousings hahaha
  9. Nice turbos, easy 600rwkw got 2 G35s here atm, very close in response to the 1050 also here.
  10. Should be no worries im sitting on the dyno now in a GTR with a powerfc and the same injectors, im happy to do up to 2200cc's.
  11. i hope the map sensor is still fitted.....
  12. Cheers yes its a bit crazy ATM lol.... covid frenzy.
  13. This is not quite accurate, we are tuners of both and the ECUTEK offers more flexibility, i think your confusion may have come from the fact there was a few places doing OTS tunes like cobb and TBH i have never seen an OTS tune on any platform that is any good. Custom tuning or nothing in my opinion.
  14. this is probably the only real solution, your car is not laggy to begin with and i cant think of another turbo which will offer enough real world differences.
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